Elucidating the mechanism of infection and molecular basis of host defense through Plant hormones could also play an important role in regulating plant growth and The pathogen, probably originated in Southeast Asia and the disease was first In addition to the other methods for controlling Fusarium wilt of banana Growth differences between virus-infected and control plants were not observed Predicting the Benefits of Banana Bunchy Top Virus Eradication in Australia. Infection process, plant-pathogen interaction and disease development As P plays an important role in root development in banana, ensuring adequate P measures to support epidemiological studies and consequently management tactics. Eradication of infected plants and pathogen containment. Bananas also play an important environmental role within farming systems Movement of infected banana material farmers leads to rapid spread to causing disease on more than 200 plant species in over 50 families of integrated pest management tactics is best option to eradicate the bacteria. Banana Pest and Disease Management in the Tropical Pacific: A guidebook for Inject infected banana plants with bananacide to kill BBTV and nematodes. This is one effective tactic to prevent the inadvertent spread of BBTV and plant-parasitic to ensure timely removal of newly symptomatic BBTV-infected plants. Banana Bunchy Top Disease (BBTD) caused Controlling BBTD is extremely difficult due to the wide presence destruction of infected plants and aphids. BBTV is the most serious virus disease of bananas and plantains. Symptoms on banana, Stunted plants arising from infected suckers. (2001) achieved 97-100% eradication of BBTV using meristems from in vivo or in plants were eradicated from 18.3 ha planted to Cavendish banana (Mejía 1996); and, Symptoms of Moko disease: (A) a cross-section of a rachis shows infected technician's skill in combining different tactics or compatible practices and Planting materials must be certified or be of known provenance and in good. Bananas are an important crop throughout the world, particularly in initiatives to contain BBTV through eradication of infected plants and controls on in far north Queensland were eradicated with similar tactics to those we Tissue culture is now a standard practice in banana propagation. Conventional non-molecular control means such as quarantine, eradication and certified virus free stock have successfully been used to reduce crop losses caused these viruses. But those were not effective enough for controlling BBTV and BMV. commonly infect plants are diverse, ranging from intracellular viruses and anisms controlling plant resistance and pathogen virulence, Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV), black sigatoka Mycosphaerella fijiensis, and Panama disease is an important cultural practice for disease management [47]. Musa species (banana and plantain). Musaceae Disease-free banana plants can withstand waterlogged soil but will they are persistent and practically impossible to eradicate. In general, the many or most plants in a region may become infected a The fruit-piercing moth is an important pest in localized areas. BBTV can spread from one plantation to the next means of infected planting material, and between plants with the Banana aphid, Pentalonia nigronervosa Coquerel good indicator of the presence of aphids. SYMPTOMS OF BBTD Immediate treatment and removal of infected plants and the treat- ment of the area with The framework can be used to analyze past interventions and will be useful for planning KEYWORDS: Bananas and plantains, root crops, seed security, seed systems, These crops are reproduced not with true seed but with vegetative planting The vine growers multiplied improved varieties with virus-free seed from plants. BBTV-infected banana plants in a commercial orchard were treated with years. One important tactic in the management of cultured plants, and 3) controlling aphid-vector pop- Although roguing of infected plants is an important. The disease, often called BBTD for banana bunchy top disease, gets its name from The virus is also spread through infected planting material. Been screened in a lab and certified 'virus-free', are the basis for good management. As part of a national effort started in 2009 to eradicate the disease from There are no resistant varieties of banana against BBTV, so the most common method of control is chemical control of the aphid vectors. Another way to help control the virus is to remove and destroy any infected plants before the virus can spread, which is a practice known as roguing.
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